Sustainability Strategies

Sustainability Strategies:
As this was the primary concern of the founding members of NWP, NWP/JVS has attempted to tackle it by adopting three main strategies.

Keeping the administrative cost at the minimum:
The administrative cost of NWP has been in the range of 15 to 20 percent of the annual program cost in the years 2001 and 2002.

Providing voluntary services:
All the executive members of NWP/JVS are volunteers. They do not charge any remuneration for their services. In circumstances, when they charge a fee, the fee in its substantive amount is returned to NWP/JVS.

Contributing an amount from the professional fee:
Those professionals, who perform contractual works for NWP, provide a small percentage from their fee to NWP/JVS. For strengthened sustainability, the members of NWP/JVS feel that each country partnership should have freedom to prioritize and focus on, for example, the program agenda/themes that have been identified/approved at the regional level. Were there has been such an enabling context, NWP/JVS members would indeed have preferred to focus on water for energy program from various inter-disciplinary as well as problem perspectives like IWRM (including drinking water and irrigation), culture, socio-economic policy, poverty, women, social development, resettlement, inundation and flood management, appropriate technology, risk management, law, industrial use of energy, international trade regime and market, internal resource mobilization and foreign investment. A national program approach to water will require a flexible regional funding strategy that equally respects and supports each partner country’s water-based needs and potential.